What Is Email Automation?

Drive Meaningful Results Using Email Automation

Also referred to as a triggered email, an automated email is a behaviour-driven message sent automatically from your email service provider to a customer’s inbox. As you might have guessed, an automated email is triggered when a user takes a specific action on your website or app – all the while without you having to lift a finger! This is made possible with email marketing automation tools. Want to learn how you can start automating youremail marketingefforts today? Talk to us about your needs – our team of experts can do the heavy lifting for you!

Why Is Email Automation Important?

Reach The Right People, With The Right Message, At The Right Moment

Email automation makes it scalable and efficient for businesses to send one-to-one messages that customers have come to expect.

It also allows businesses to send other valuable and robust marketing messages that are user-specific to help build brand loyalty, increase retention and drive revenue.

Business Growth Starts Here

Solutions We Provide

Tools of the Trade

There’s no one-size-fits-all solution to email marketing. We follow a technology-agnostic approach to solving your business problems. We choose the right tools for the job. Some of the tools we use include HubSpot, Pardot, Klaviyo, MailChimp, Active Campaign, and more.

Relevant Email Touchpoints

We set rules within the automation platform based on your campaign strategy. The goal is to send customers messages that are highly relevant to them at the right moment, ensuring increased receptivity at every email touchpoint.

Drive Customer Engagement

Leverage the power of automated emails to educate new customers about your products, encourage existing customers to leave reviews, or offer a lapsed or inactive customer an incentive to return to your website.

Strengthen Connections

Automated emails allow for one-to-one communication, giving you the opportunity to build and strengthen the connection between you and your customers by sending messages that are highly relevant and useful to them.

Smart and Focused Strategy

Every successful email marketing campaign starts with a robust strategy. We work with you and get to know what drives your business, identifying what’s working and what’s not working for you. From there, we’ll build a strategy that is tailored to your goals and suits your budget.

Comprehensive Content

Drive meaningful business results and increase your revenue with unique, impactful content that is optimised and tailored to your customers. From designing graphics to producing videos, we’ve got you covered.

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Email Automation FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

What email service providers do you work with?
Our team has experience using different email services. Depending on your goals, we can recommend the right tool or work with the tools you already have in place to get the job done. We have experience using various platforms including (but not limited to) Pardot, Hubspot, MailChimp, CampaignMonitor, Klaviyo and more.

How much does email automation cost?
Prices vary depending on technology, complexity and functionality. Our team can speak to you about your needs and recommend a price that works for your budget.

What metrics will you report on when reviewing performance?
This will depend on the technology used and the campaign objectives. However, the key metrics we focus on are open rate and click rate. If we create a landing page for that specific campaign, we also look at end-to-end conversions.

What type of email marketing campaigns do you run?
We run email marketing campaigns that suit your business needs. If you run an e-commerce store, we would start with abandoned cart emails to help convert lost traffic. If you’re a service-based business, we may run a retention campaign with conversion-focused emails to bring lost leads back. Among many others, the four most common types of email marketing include email newsletters, acquisition emails, retention emails, and promotional emails. Let's have a chat and see which campaign would work best for you.

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